Twenty years before Rab journeyed north with the last three children from his dying village in search of a fabled city and its rumoured evacuation ships. At the time Rab’s chances had looked slim at best – but then his real troubles began.
The complete Safe Harbour Chronicle includes all three books from the trilogy that has attracted the following critical acclaim:
- “Another winning book for fans of well done sci fi/fantasy novels.”
The Dilettante Bookworm - “Gripped from the beginning”
DnS Media Book Reviews - “5 out of 5 stars”
A Bookworm’s Reviews - “Readers will be drawn into the story from the very first page.”
Diane Riggins – author of the Blood and Water series, and the Fur and Fang series - “… creative and engrossing … death, treachery and lies are all interwoven brilliantly into the story. ”
Jemma Telford – Reviewer - “It hit a lot of the right notes for me in terms of description, character development, world-building – and the twist at the end was great! … 4 stars”
Toni L.H. Boughton – author of Wolf Running - “Like all good speculative fiction, Web has placed very human characters into a world very different from the one we are familiar with…” Daan Spijer –
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